Heather Ford
birth doula • Hakomi therapist
...this very body that we have, that's sitting here right now, with its aches and its pleasures ...is exactly what we need to be fully Human, fully awake, fully alive - pema chodron
Somatic Lens
Central to my work is a deep trust in the innate intelligence of the body.
My unique therapeutic skillset is derived from the three realms that have shaped the past 20 years of my professional path: Chinese medicine, trauma informed birth work and Hakomi somatic psychotherapy.
In Chinese medicine, the mind body connection is presumed, not debated. The body as an integral part of one's mental and emotional wellbeing is deeply ingrained in this 5000 year old system of medicine.
In birth, the simultaneous dance of mental, emotional and physical experience is ever-present and is precisely why birth can be both profoundly transformative and sometimes traumatizing.
At the heart of trauma work is the recognition that it is the body's experience of an event, rather than the event itself, that is essential to effective treatment. Understanding and being attuned to the changing autonomic state of the body is crucial to any somatic therapeutic support.