Heather Ford
birth doula • Hakomi therapist
...this very body that we have, that's sitting here right now, with its aches and its pleasures ...is exactly what we need to be fully Human, fully awake, fully alive - pema chodron
Doula Mentorship
Are you a birth doula who is feeling overwhelmed and burned out?
Whether you are a doula, doctor, nurse or midwife, working in the field of birth can take a serious toll on your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Burn out and moral injury are very real especially in our post covid world where healthcare workers have paid a heavy price.
I am passionate about supporting those who work on behalf of birth.
Creating a financially and emotionally sustainable doula practice takes time and experience. Unlike doctors and nurses, doulas must manage their own boundaries with time and create their own support networks. Working for yourself allows great freedom but also opens the door wide to burn out without solid systems in place that support a successful business.
I draw from 20 years experience as both an acupuncturist and birth doula, where I successfully navigated managing my own business, developing strong professional relationships while maintaining essential time and space for my personal and family life.
As your mentor, I provide one to one support that is tailored to both your professional and emotional needs as a birth worker. I offer a safe and skilled therapeutic container within which we can:
process difficult births
manage our own trauma triggers as we support clients through theirs
create and hold healthy professional boundaries with clients and colleagues
set up sustainable business practices that centers our own wellbeing as well as our clients
gain a deeper understanding of why we are compelled to do this work
The goal of therapeutic mentorship is to bring increased awareness to our own autonomic state and habitual responses to stress so that we might bring the full force of our professional skills to the benefit of those we serve.